Friday, 17 February 2012

0 Review for "Under Wear" Bomber

When I first read on PM News that the parents of this young man wanted a review, this reader's comment is what came to my mind:


Why would the US govt review the sentence? Was your son not given opportunity to defend himself in court? He only used his opportunity to express his willingness to kill innocent people. Can you not see that your son is a danger to the society? It is unfortunate that you have such a son but any right thinking family will be ashamed to associate with such a man. He has chosen his path. Most families whose sons are involved in armed robbery are too ashamed to identify with him, yet the family of a mass-muderer is openly campaigning for his release. What a shame!
The Nigerian govt should never spend our oil money on that useless islamic fanatic, that placed no value on human lives. He is lucky to be alifeLife in prison and the coditions he wuold have sentenced his victims, which one is better? This man is a complete shame to Nigerians. He has brought a lot of problems to other Nigerians that are flying outside Nigeria.
Pls, you guys should stop this joke!

But on second thoughts,he is their flesh and blood.One cannot blame them for trying.Shrugs.


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