Tuesday, 31 January 2012

0 The World's Most Expensive Face Book Page!

 I have still not gotten over this one.It is the biggest joke of the century.In my opinion,all their defenses are so very weak.No wise person should have attached that amount of money to face book,a free and easy to use site,for whatever reason(s) they want to come up with.

I happen to be the nameless commenter in this group.Take a look: 



  • Dang. You hit that nail on the head so bad! Well done

  • Quite valid points you’ve raised (though we still aren’t sure of some facts). However, wouldn’t it have been cheaper and more judicious to hire a general IT manager in-house who could manage this account in addition to other IT related duties (say website design/maintenance and network maintenance)? I have a feeling the require help in those areas too. Do they now outsource those too leading to a bloated budget for related projects?

  • Chude, this is a nice and measured analysis of the “scandal”. How I wish every Nigerian youth stopped to think before talking or tweeting.

  • Please, before any further comments are made,go to the facebook page in question and see things for your self.Zero work or management has been done there.Even the profile picture is dumb.Besides if you say the money is for wages then it should be under salaries and not facebook account.The idea 
    was smart until they got caught.
  • Just curious! Will any serious organisation employ somebody whose only job would be to manage a facebook account? Is social media equals to facebook? With all due respect to the Social Media Profesionals- Managing a facebook account and driving traffic to a facebook account is not rocket science and requires just a basic knowledge of internet and can be taught in 2 days! So what are those idle government staff and civil servants doing?
    Again, it is not the amount of money spent on anything that determines whether it is a waste , it is in relation to value derived from that amount, while one might consider a budget a of N5million for implementation a social media strategy prudent, the same would have no hesitation in regarding N1million budget for a mere facebook account wasteful!
    As a country, it now appears as if we have gotten so used to hearing “trillions” and “billions” that a million is worthless in our eyes!
    “Social media” is now the in-thing! But must everybody or organisation just start opening facebook accounts when they dont even know how it would add value to their mission.
    Finally, this incident, brings out the need for better budgetting and acounting practices that would always highlight the breakdown of expenses and not this lump sum idea we practice! Thats why laymen and non-ICT professionals like me are still at a loss as to what exactly is “PURCHASE OF E-GOVT. OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT” that the sum of
    N250 million was budgeted for it in 2011.
    We will continue to depend on ICT consultants and Social media gurus like you to enlighten us.!!


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